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Questions? Answers.

Are there any extra fees?

Never. Everything is included and you'll never incur in additional charges from RoomLift.

Is Virtual Interior Design impersonal?

Not roomLift. Our design service is built to allow for email communication with your Designer, roomLift support, and consult calls at the beginning and end of the process.

Are there any revisions?

Due to the nature of our product, we don't offer revisions or refunds. However, once your roomLift arrives, you can schedule a final consult call and we'll be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
Additionally, in 7 years of operation, we've had a 99.9% customer success rate, so you're in very good hands.

How long will it take for me to receive my designs?

Once we receive your questionnaire, photos of your room and dimensions you will receive your roomLift box within 3-4 weeks.

Can I use roomLift to decorate my entire house?

Yes! You can absolutely use roomLift to decorate your entire home! We have a number of customers who have done this - just be sure to fill out a questionnaire for each space so we have all the information we need to work on your unique designs!